Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Final Blog

Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009)

[ Introduction ]

If I have to evaluate and define how was this academic year for me, I would say that it was challenging, exciting and very productive.
This was my second year of career. I left school and then I entered inmediately to the university , at first I wasn´t sure what to expect and only had a lot of emotion and anxiety. The first year was important, but it was mainly a year of adaptation and introduction.
This second year is different, the classes now depend on my choices and I have to take a specific trail. Also you are in knowledge of the functioning of the faculty, the organization and the people, that makes it possible to feel more comfortable and quiet.

[ body ]

To begin, as I say, the first major change was to choose specialty, when it's time to make the decision by yourself of what you want, everything changes, because one is responsible for the decision consequences, benefits and mistakes.
I was very satisfied with my decisions.
Having clear that I wanted paint as specialty, I had to apply for the workshop that interested me, luckily I was selected and that gave me a very strong initial motivation.

The other choice with which I felt very good and stimulated, was to have taken the drawing workshop with Gabriel Uribarri, I have always felt a special love and interest for drawing, and this workshop made possible to increase and improve that even more, which I did not expected.

One of the consequences of my choices to these workshops, is that this year was a really busy year, this workshops are very workload, but I think that's one of the most remarkable things about it.
Knowing myself, I know that I can give much more if I demand more to myself and keep a steady and hard work rhythm, I'm glad of be able to do that, because this is what I love doing, so is always a possitive thing to work hard for it.

Also this year, I learned and grew up in personal aspects as well, through all the experiences of the works, I was able to notice new things about myself, learned to know my working rhythm , my preferences, my weak and strong points, learned to overcome obstacles and know how to be calm and organized against what appears to be stress for high load work.

[ conclusion ]

In conclusion, I'm pretty happy with this year and I'm satisfied with my accomplishment and everything that I won.
It is also true that it felt that time passed very fast, but I think that's just one of the consequences of having a busy and productive year.
For all this, I´m looking forward to the next year and that would be just as good and intense as this one was, hopefully I could be able to balance all and get to feel happy at the end of it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

blog 7 Nexts elections

So presidential elections, I have to say that in first place I really don´t like a lot the politics, And I don´t believe that any politician is really sincere or reliable, and in one way or another they all lie to people, and nowadays they are almost the same in the end , regardless of which side ther are .
One thing about the presidential election that really bothers me a lot is the election time in itself, all the money they spend on unnecessary and annoying advertising, getting to the point of being almost a harassment to people, and not using this money for things that really need fix or improvement.
Other thing that gets me angry, is when the current government, which certainly I dont like at all, starts to do finally good things for people , or at least better that they have been doing it until the time, just when the time is running out, only for people to stay with the feeling that the government was good, instead of that it was really decadent. I hate when people have no collective memory, for say it that way, its like the entire time the authorities have been disastrous and the same his decisions, and people vote for them again and again, I mean what´s their problem? I dont get it.

But anyway, this system already exists, so in that case I think that at least having the opportunity to vote, you have to do it. It is always better to give your opinion and not let the others decide for you, I mean, in the end is the person who will be "responsible" for the country for the next years, so you like it or not, that´s important, even if all candidates sucks, at least you were able to choose the less bad, or at least vote null , although I dont think that this is a very good choise anyway.

In my case, this would be the first time that I´m old enough to vote, and I´m already registered to do it. At one moment I considered not to register, because I feel uncomfortable with the fact that if you do it, then doing it always is fully binding, but after all I chose to do it, and use my civil rights. I´m not sure about whom I´m going to vote yet, but definitely completely sure that is not going to be for Frei. The Concertation freaks me out, it´s just like if vote for them would be against my own nature.

After saying all this, probably it is clear that I dont want to be a politician, or participate in politics in any way. I think it´s a world that is way too stained and full of obnoxious things.
Actually is really sad too, because I believe that people who are really good people and could bring some real positive things to society, they are not the kind of people who would become politicians, because they are unselfish and not seeking for all the power.

Maybe If I try to search for one good thing... is that at least I can be thankful, in somehow, in that we dont live in any regime like Cuba or that we dont have a completely crazy president like Hugo Chavez.

Blog 4 your faculty

The current situation on my faculty is not very good, in first place it needs a lot of improvement, like the situation of the classrooms, they need fix in so many things, they are dirty, messy, the materials like lecterns or tables need changed immediately , because for example a lot of them are broken or even some times there are not enough for the use of all the students, so that is one point.
Then the infrastucure is not really good as well, the same classrooms, sometimes are to small for all the people that works on them, or when it rains the water leaks and ruin the works.
The library is to small too, and you can`t search for the books by your self, thing that I would like a lot more than the actual method, that is that the librarian gives you the texts.
Other situations about my faculty is the Juan Gomez Millas proyect, that supposedly will unite all the arts in this faculty, that means bring music and theatre here. I dont know if I like that neither, because one of the things that I do like about Las Encinas, is the peace that we have here, and knowing how people from music and theather are, I think things would change about that.

One thing that for sure doesn´t help to improve all, is that in general students are not really interested in joining and push for things to improve, here is a lot of indifference to everything.
If I try to think in one solution for all these things, well maybe to star, it would be a good idea to make the whole operation of the faculty itself more orderly, because everything here is like unnecessary paperwork, delay, nobody knew anything and usually nothing is clear. So I think that if that improves, all could work better... After that things like the materials, infrastucture etc, could be resolve.